The Breeze is your convenient ultimate relaxing destination which suites your budget and preference. In order to recharge your mind body and soul The Breeze offers you the best options. We have two different types of Villas which provides different feel called as Villa type 1 and Villa Type 2.Here you can easily accommodate two or three people and once you stay, you will be definitely realized this is the best place to spend a vacation with your loved once.
Breeze Villa located in convenient place with easy access from the Galle main road and just 4km away from Unawatuna. It has a picturesque view of the jungle. It is highly featured to cater their valued customers who love relaxing in themselves in hassle free environment. There is large swimming pool area with the onsite dining area and you can use it without restricted time.
Rooms are fully equipped with Cable TV, Mini fridge, Electric Kettles, Hair dryers, Bathroom slippers, towels, toiletries and cleaned linen. We highly concern about privacy of our guests and we created private verandas, large sitting areas and open garden area. We assure you can taste fresh sea food meal with our cooks or shared kitchen facilities available for you to prepare your own meal.
The Breeze invites you to be stay few days with us and feel the ultimate relaxation experience………….